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UW System Adopts New Policy Limiting Official Statements on Controversial Issues

Source: Universities of Wisconsin

UW System Adopts New Policy Limiting Official Statements on Controversial Issues

September 17, 2024 10:31 AM CDT

By: Stuart J. Wattles

MADISON, Wis. (Civic Media) —  A new policy limiting official statements by university leaders has been put out by the Universities of Wisconsin.

The policy requires university officials to restrict public statements to matters directly affecting the institution’s operations and mission. It mandates neutrality on political and social controversies.

Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin said the policy aims to protect free speech and open debate on campus. “When an institutional leader speaks in an apparently ‘official’ way on an issue of controversy, it may inadvertently discourage free expression,” Mnookin wrote in an email to the campus community.

The policy applies to all UW schools and departments.  Read it here.

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